November 11, 2021

Verse of the Day:
I Corinthians 10:31 "Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do it to the glory of God"
I am not happy.
I did not come into 2021 expecting to be a different person and i did not disappoint. I spent almost 24hrs in my house daily. Most of my nights are spent Watching Tiktoks, my early mornings are spent reading Wattpad and every second i get in between classes I watch YouTube or Netflix.
Now you can say an easy fix is to get rid of social media and get out of my house more. Yeah, you are right but that easier said than done.
Earlier this year I deleted all my social media platforms. I lasted less than a week without them before I redownloaded everything. My reason for redownloading them was "That's how I communicate with people". It was a good excuse but if you really want something I am sure you would find a way to get it.
I swear I have been getting signs. My phone will constantly tell me my storage is full so I had to delete Tiktok, Instagram and Snapchat. But I would just use them on my laptop and redownload Snapchat when I got back space. My phone stopped working two months ago so i have been using my tablet ever since and that thing has even less storage. But even when the universe keeps telling me to delete these apps i always find a way to use them.
I am starting to think that I don't want to be happy.
I definately can put more effort in in boycotting Social media. Not only is it unhealthy mentally it also greatly impacts my faith. At this moment in time i only have Pinterest and WhatsApp. I watch Youtube and Tiktok on my laptop.
This is a major improvement compared to the starting of the year. But i still think i can do better because my phone told me i spent 9hrs and 35m on WhatsApp and 3hrs on Pinterest and that's just three days and 2 apps.
So here is my plan:
I need to get out and talk to people in person.
I will only spend 2 hour max on my tablet. I do use it to contact group members and classes so 1 hour is good enough to answer messages on WhatsApp for the day, 15 mins on Pinterest and 30mins on YouTube.
This time I am gonna stay off social media for more than a week.
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