Sunday, November 14, 2021.
Like most Sundays, today has been about work, work and more work. I had to wash help with dinner and clean the house.
My brother and his girlfriend did a surprise visit. He told me he wouldn't be here for weeks, so imagine my shock when I see a car very similar to his drive up to my gate. I was really happy especially since they carried my book that I have been waiting for since September. It's name is 'House of Hollows' by Krystal Sutherland, maybe I should write about it when I am done reading
Monday, November 15, 2021
Remember a couple of posts ago I talked about how I was so excited to see the interesting things I come up with when I get my 1 hour of lunch? Well, I'm here to tell you that I did NOTHING. I was not productive at all. All I did was read my new book and stare at the pile of dishes in the sink. I'm starting to think that not using social media was a bad idea. We know there are a lot of pros of not using it but there is also a con which is enough to make us stuck in a toxic cycle.
Con = We are bored
It is getting harder for me to not know what's going on. I live to 'know', I mean that's the whole reason why I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to know everything so I can tell everything. The "need to know" is killing us, can someone tell me why I Know the first name, last name and astrological signs for so many celebrities? My head is so full of information that I don't need and that explains why it's so hard to remember things we learn in school.
We are going to be swatting for the rest of our lives.
Normally I would have given up already but I am gonna complete this challenge.
25 days to go...
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31